Epic Mounts Unveiled: Obtaining Power And Prestige In World Of Warcraft!

Wow sandstone drake

Playing World of Warcraft is an exciting and thrilling experience. I’m always on the hunt for new mounts to make my gaming experience even better. Recently, Blizzard unveiled some amazing epic WoW mounts that can be obtained by players who are willing to put in some time and effort.

These unique and powerful mounts give players a sense of power and prestige, making them stand out from the crowd. In this article, I’ll explore what these epic mounts are, how they can be obtained, and the benefits they offer players once they have one!

Key Takeaways

  • Epic mounts provide power and prestige to players in World of Warcraft.
  • Benefits of obtaining mounts include increased access to higher-level areas and enhanced protection.
  • Mounts can be obtained through defeating bosses, completing quests, or purchasing from vendors.
  • Taking on challenges in WoW, such as raiding dungeons or buying from vendors, can lead to obtaining epic mounts and the benefits they provide.

Overview of the Expansion

WoW Tauren reading

The Expansion adds powerful mounts, granting players prestige and status in WoW! The costs involved to obtain a mount often vary depending on the type of mount acquired. For instance, acquiring a standard mount requires 10 gold coins and 30 minutes of riding time; while an epic mount may require up to 1000 gold coins and 1 hour of riding time.

Nonetheless, the rewards gained from having a more powerful mount are much greater as one will have access to higher-level areas that were inaccessible before. Additionally, with an epic mount comes not only faster speeds but also enhanced protection when traversing areas with increased danger.

With such rewards in mind, these mounts provide players with power and prestige amongst their peers. As such, it’s no surprise that many WoW players strive for the acquisition of such mounts.

Moving forward, let’s take a look at the different types of mounts available in this expansion!

Types of Mounts

WoW Infinite Timereaver

Riding a dragon, sailing the seas, or soaring through the sky – there’s no limit to the variety of mounts available for adventure-seekers.

In World of Warcraft, players are able to obtain mounts in various ways: from defeating bosses and completing dungeons and raids, from purchasing them with gold at vendors, from rewards given for specific achievements or quests, and even by farming certain materials.

Players can also purchase mounts directly from Blizzard’s official store. However, this can be expensive and doesn’t always guarantee that you’ll receive something rare or unique.

Furthermore, some mounts come with special abilities such as increased movement speed or additional protection against damage; these can be found through mount farming activities such as fishing up special items in certain areas of the world.

With all these options available to choose from, adventurers are sure to find their perfect mount! As they search for their new ride, they’ll explore the world and its many secrets along the way.

Exploring the World

Exploring the world of Warcraft is an exciting journey, full of fascinating secrets and thrilling surprises waiting to be discovered. From discovering new locations to uncovering hidden mysteries, there are countless possibilities for thrill seekers looking to take on a challenge.

With the help of epic mounts, it can be much easier to traverse the expansive land and explore further than ever before. By equipping yourself with one of these powerful creatures, adventurers will have their choice between long distance journeys or short-distance trips in order to discover all that World of Warcraft has to offer.

Not only do these mounts give players access to previously inaccessible areas but they also grant them a sense of power and prestige among other players. Taking advantage of this opportunity can provide immense rewards but it also comes with its own set of dangers and risks that must be taken into account before embarking on any journey.

Having a trusty mount by your side can make all the difference when exploring this exciting world!

Taking on Challenges

Embrace the thrill of taking on challenges in World of Warcraft and soar to new heights! Navigating through difficult quests isn’t easy, but with the right strategies and techniques, it’s possible to get to where you want to go.

Crafting strategies for success is an essential part of the process when taking on challenging tasks. It allows you to plan ahead and anticipate potential problems. Having a well thought out plan can also help you stay organized and focused while tackling difficult quests or dungeons.

With careful consideration and preparation, successful completion of quests is achievable. With every challenge conquered, players are rewarded with powerful rewards that can be useful in other areas such as obtaining mounts.

Taking on challenges can open up many doors leading to power and prestige in World of Warcraft – all it takes is a bit of skill and perseverance! To further these goals, one must strategize for obtaining mounts which will be discussed next.

Strategies for Obtaining Mounts

WoW The Sludge Fields

Uncovering your own paths to success can be just as rewarding as obtaining mounts in World of Warcraft.

One way to obtain mounts is by raiding dungeons, which requires a great deal of skill and strategy. Players must work together to defeat powerful bosses and complete difficult objectives in order to acquire the mount they desire.

Another way players can get their hands on a mount is by buying them from vendors or other players. This method requires more gold than dungeon raiding, but it’s often much faster and easier for those who don’t have the time or patience for long raids.

Regardless of how you choose to obtain your mount, the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it is undeniable.

The strategies used for obtaining mounts are only half the battle; understanding the benefits that come with owning one is equally important.

Benefits of Obtaining Mounts

Gaining access to a mount in World of Warcraft can bring you tons of advantages, from increased speed and convenience to status and prestige. Not only do mounts provide an opportunity for customizing your character’s look, but they also help players explore professions, as well as raid dungeons with ease.

Here are just some of the benefits that come with obtaining a mount:

  1. Increased Speed: Mounts allow you to traverse the world at much faster speeds than walking or running. This is especially beneficial for players who want to get around quickly without spending too much time travelling between locations.
  2. Convenience: Mounts also make it easier for players to travel over difficult terrain while carrying items or supplies they need on their adventures.
  3. Status & Prestige: Having access to rare and unique mounts is a status symbol among other players, which can bring great respect and admiration from others in the game community.
  4. Exploration & Raiding Dungeons: Obtaining certain mounts allows players more freedom when exploring new areas or raiding dungeons with friends, allowing them to move freely and take on enemies more efficiently than if they were moving on foot alone!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of purchasing an Epic Mount?

I’m in the know when it comes to purchasing epic mounts. Accessibility and trade options impact the cost greatly; it can range from relatively cheap to quite pricey. However, with a bit of savvy shopping, you can still get your hands on one without breaking the bank.

WoW-Gold on the floor

Is there a level requirement to access Epic Mounts?

Yes, there is a level requirement to access epic mounts. You must be at least level 40 to unlock the ability to purchase and customize your mount speed.

How long does it take to obtain an Epic Mount?

Obtaining an epic mount is like climbing a mountain; it requires overcoming numerous challenges to gain the coveted social status. It can take days, weeks, or even months depending on one’s skill and dedication.

Are Epic Mounts available in other versions of the game?

Yes, epic mounts are available in other versions of the game. Unlocking methods and efficiency methods vary between versions, so players should research which is best for them.

Are there any additional benefits to obtaining an Epic Mount beyond prestige and power?

I’ve obtained an epic mount and it’s been life-changing! Not only does it give me immense prestige, but it also boosts my stats and increases my speed exponentially. It’s like I’m flying through Azeroth!


My journey in World of Warcraft has been an exciting one. I’ve had a blast uncovering the new epic mounts and strategizing how I can obtain them. It’s not an easy task, but with some patience and dedication, it can be done.

The rewards are definitely worth the effort – having access to powerful abilities and gaining prestige among my peers make it all worthwhile. This expansion has brought a “blast from the past” that will surely keep players hooked for years to come!

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